
User Guide


Add todo task: todo

Adds a new todo task with given description.

Add event task: event

Adds a new event task with given description and event datetime.

Add deadline task: deadline

Adds a new todo task with given description and deadline.

Delete task: delete

Deletes specified task.

Mark task as done: done

Marks specified task as completed.

Search through tasks: find

Searches through all tasks to find tasks with description matching search phrase.

List tasks: list

Lists all tasks and details in order of addition.

Reschedule task: reschedule

Reschedules an event or deadline to new datetime.

Exit program: bye

Closes program window and exits program.



Expected outcome:

Adds a new todo task with given description <TASK_DESCRIPTION>.


Expected outcome:

Adds a new event task with given description <TASK_DESCRIPTION> and event datetime <EVENT_TIME> in the format “dd/mm /yyyy hhmm”.


Expected outcome:

Adds a new deadline task with given description <TASK_DESCRIPTION> and deadline <DEADLINE> in the format “dd/mm /yyyy hhmm”.

delete <TASK_NUMBER>

Expected outcome:

Deletes task with task number <TASK_NUMBER>. Alerts user if no tasks exists at given <TASK_NUMBER>.


Expected outcome:

Marks task with task number <TASK_NUMBER> as done. Alerts user if no tasks exists at given <TASK_NUMBER>.


Expected outcome:

Lists all tasks found that contain <SEARCH_PARAMETER>.


Expected outcome:

Lists all tasks and details in order of addition.


Expected outcome:

Reschedules task (event or deadline task only) with task number <TASK_NUMBER> to have new event datetime or deadline respectively from given <NEW_DATETIME>. <NEW_DATETIME> must be in the format “dd/mm/yyyy hhmm”.


Expected outcome:

Closes program window and exits program.